Book Review
Dear Nadine,
I read your book on a Portrait of God’s Family. What an amazing book. As a counselor, I am using this book a lot. The knowledge that I have received on the family is unexplainable. I went on an outreach to Brazil in 2018 and as I prepared for my work there God showed me the broken Families of Brazil. As I needed to take something from South Africa to give as presents to the pastors there I had this urgent feeling that I should not take African memorabilia but something that they can use to rebuild the families in their congregations with the word of God. I immediately thought of this book and took it along as a present. I knew that they would need someone to translate it as some did not understand English. When I gave it to them I had a split second of doubt about my present. But God is in control and the next night I gave my last book to My Pastor where I had the honor to preach the previous night. I wanted to explain to him about the book when one of the other Pastor’s started to tell him about this amazing book and how it is so versatile in the sense of counseling, small groups, and family sermons. I just have to thank God that He reminded me of your book. I am reading your book again and again as every time when I read it something else pops up that helps me. Thank you for being obedient and writing what Holy Spirit placed on your heart. God bless.Nicolene

Book Review
Nadine & Dean’s book captures the godly dynamic of families in a Spirit-filled manner. God as the loving Father is the foundation on which this book is written. The reader receives a fresh perspective on this very important cornerstone of our community.