Dear wonderful family of God,
There may be times in your life where you feel reading the Word of God becomes a “motion”, just a thing to get done each day. I would like to encourage you to share this with God and ask Him to come and restore your heart and your spirit. There was a time in my life where I was just not feeling anything as I read the Word of God. I had been through an extremely trying time and nothing really resonated with me as I turned through the Scriptures. I shared this with the Lord but I was encouraged to keep pressing in, “when you seek me you shall find me ” is what remained in my heart.
So I actively chose to “press in ” and pursued the Lord in His Word despite what I was feeling. In this time I just read the word, but what was actually happening in the spirit is that the life giving water of the Word was reviving  me and renewing my mind and heart. Talk about spontaneous and intentional spiritual heart surgery.
After eight days and feeling completely numb to the revelation of God in His Word, the Lord met me as I was reading the book of John early one morning, with deeper insight into His Word. Naturally this came as a welcoming surprise and I was revived.
I want to encourage you to get excited about the Word of God, to choose to actively pursue Christ despite what you may feel, because the Word of God is life giving and after you allow yourself to take it in there will be a point, well many in fact, where the Lord meets with you.
Jeremiah 29:13
“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”